Its the new handy dandy thingy!
It is designed to make it easier to go from page to page. You no longer have to return to
my main page every time you wish to see a new page. Simply click on the face of
whose page you want to see and you will magically be sent there.

Chick page Birdies page Bully's page Bunbun's page Harley's page Linkie's page penelope's page Chick page

Teddy and the Dude

Teddy(right) Dude(left)

First week

First House
I made the chicks a house in a shoe box before we
got them but their food and water dishes took up too much
space and I had to give them a larger box.

first house
The Dude
teddy and the dude

teddy               teddy



Second Week
