Shopping for a trike
I thought that I wanted a Short
Wheelbase (SWB) recumbent bicycle, with under-seat steering. I
researched, mostly reading the message board at
bentrideronline. I
found that most recumbent bicycles now made have above-seat steering.
However, I noticed that tricycles used under-seat steering.
(Well, actually, the 'direct steering' of the Catrike is neither
above nor below the seat, but rather beside it... though there is a
tie-rod under the seat.)
The first time I got on a recumbent was at a local shop:
they had a SWB bike with above-seat steering, and a tadpole
The SWB was okay, but the trike was just too much fun. I
knew I had to get one.
I started researching which trike to buy.
Catrike is popular, well-made,
weight, and relatively low cost. Catrikes are made in the USA, in
Florida. They are some of the lightest-weight trikes available
today. They are also some of the least costly.
I found that there was a 'Gold'
level dealer in Chico, and got in touch with them (
Peregrine Bicycle Works).
PBW specializes in tricycles. The owner, Hugh Kern, has a lot of
experience with
tricycles, and knows all the tricks to get things working smoothly.