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Birdie's Fourth
The Cake
This is the cake that I
baked for Birde and Lincoln on their
fourth birthday. It basically consists of canned dog food flour
and sugar. I had some trouble with the frosting because I
was running out of peanut butter and I could barely
frosting to cover the top of the cake and I had none left for
the writing. I responded to this problem by adding red food
coloring to yogurt and thus the frosting shortage was no more.
If you need a recipe for a doggie cake(most people don't) you
can click on the picture below.

Elmo Hat!
Birdie did not like wearing her hat or sitting still so I
could take a picture of her. This is the only picture of her I got
were she didn't move out of the frame at the last second.
So I ended up with alot of pictures of a hat and no Birdie.

The Eating of the Cake

Greenie Eating

More Pictures
