the new handy dandy thingy!
It is designed to make it easier to go from page to
page. You no longer
have to return to
my main page every time you wish to see a new page. Simply click on the
face of
whose page you want to see and you will magically be sent there.
Harley Is Sooooo Cool!
This is a picture of Harley after he just ate. Harley is
years old, he has the same birthday
as Nathan, he came from the pound when he was five months old, he is a
German Shorthair Pointer and he loves to chase tennis balls.
Harley in His Room
It's not really a room we just call it that because thats
he is most of the time.
If he's bad you just say "Go to your room!" and if you say it a few
times he'll go.