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Bunbun Riding in the Truck
I take Bunbun everywhere I go so he rides in the car alot.
loves to
get under the pedals but I won't let him so he settles for being in the
Bunbun Wanting to be Petted
When Bun wants you to pet him he holds his head
down in
of you
unlit you pet him. And if you don't pet him he will scratch you
(not a mean scratch more of a trying to dig scratch)
you do pet
The Bun in His New Cage
This is a cage I built for Bunbun because I
thought he deserved a
Bigger cage than those manufactured for the average rabbit. It is big
enough to
into but it doesn't have a top.
The Bun Trying to Eat Carpet

Bunbun in a Motel Room
These pictures were taken in a motel in Nevada. I had no
to hang his water bottle so thats why he's drinking out of a cup.

Bunbun In the RV
For those of you who don't know Bun I will tell you some
about him. While I was in Nevada with my mom and Jerry our truck died on
a road surrounded by desert and Jerry said that he found a rabbit that
you could walk right up to. So I went to go see if it was still there
it was. You could stand about three feet away from it and it would just
sit there calmly eating. I tried to walk closer and it just hopped
away. It would let Jerry get closer so he caught it for me and it
didn'teven squirm when I held it. So I took it to the truck and we were
to get the truck to a motel where we stayed while we tried to fix the
truck. That night the bunny started sneezing up blood and we couldn't
figure out why so we called the vet who told us that resperatory
problems are common in rabbits. He stopped sneezing and seemed
fine until a week or so later he developed a big lump on his head. We
took him to the vet after I saw what looked like some sort of alein
worm face in a hole in the lump. The vet pulled two huge maggots out of
his face one in the lump and one in a smaller lump beside his nose.
The one by his nose was causing him to sneeze blood. We were told that
the maggots were most common in cattle and that eggs are layed by
the flys in whatever animal and the eggs hatch and the maggots eat the
animal from the inside out. Now that he was healthy it was time to find
a name for him. I went to web sites for baby names and web sites for
pet names but nothing seemed to fit him. So I took my nameless bunny
werever I went and everyone started calling him bun bun or bunny and
I started to call him Bunbun and thus his name was born.
Bunbun is now seven months old and comes when you call his name.

More Pictures
